technical solution-10 MUST know Linux Commands for Interviews Linux command tricks from Techmirrors

technical solution-10 MUST know Linux Commands for Interviews Linux command tricks from Techmirrors

This video shows you 10 must-know Linux commands. Join our Discord Community of DevOps Engineers: ‍ 0:00 …


As part of your Linux training, it is vital that you clearly understand common concepts, like: how to boot Linux, the file system, and how to create a user.

Another part of your training needs to involve learning how to use commands. This is because commands – and not GUI utilities – are by far and away the best way to do System Administration tasks.

Fortunately, Linux has a command named info that allows you to see “info pages” on a concept or command.

Linux Training Tips: Some Linux distributions (versions) come with lots of info pages installed (over 500) on all kinds of terms, concepts and commands. However, others only have a few.

If you run the Linux commands shown below yourself, you’ll have a mini command tutorial – a great way to get practical “hands-on” training..

Linux Commands Training Tips: The Linux System Administration commands and examples covered here apply to: Fedora, Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Edubuntu, Slackware, Debian, SUSE, openSUSE, Red Hat – and ALL other Linux distributions.

Linux Info Command Tutorial

Some info pages have a Menu of items to choose from and others don’t.

For example, the info page for the mkdir (make directory) command is just a one page and doesn’t have a Menu. You just read the information on the screen and scroll down as you’re reading.

However, some info pages, like the page for the grep command, do have a menu.

Using the Linux Info Command – To Get Help on a Command

Run the following command as an example of running info to learn about the mkdir command to see a single page.

$ info mkdir

Press Page Down until you get to the bottom of the page and then press “q” (without the quotation marks) to quit.

Now run the following Linux command to get help on the grep command.

$ info grep

After running above, some Linux distributions will display the man page for the grep command rather than the info page.

If you see “File:” at the top left of the screen, then you are looking at the info page and not the man page.

The “.info” in “” indicates that you are looking at an info page this has a Menu and multiple pages rather than just a single page.

Linux Training Tips: To get info on a different command, just replace “grep” in the command above with the name of the command you need to learn.

Using Info to Get Linux Command Examples

Linux Training Tips: You will be able to do the following steps if you are looking at the info page for grep (which has a Menu and multiple pages), rather than the man page, which is just a single page.

To see examples of using grep, move your cursor to the left of the Menu item: “Usage: Examples” and press Enter.

Linux Training Tips: Command examples are rare in free Linux documentation. If you need to learn a command, use info and see if there are any examples shown for the command.

One of the most useful things about the info command is that it sometimes shows examples. However, it can be a bit tricky to navigate the info pages if there are multiple pages. Also, concepts and commands are often described in a very technical manner (in Linux “geek-speak”).

Beyond This “Linux Commands Tutorials” Article

Here are some other important things to learn about the info command and pages: how to navigate (move around from page to page) and how to find out more about a Linux concept.

Another way to get Linux training is to use Linux training videos. When you watch a Linux video, you can see everything you need on how to use a command or how to understand a concept. You can also pause a video whenever you need to, and watch it as many times as you like!

And now I would like to offer you free access to my Linux Commands Training Mini-Course [], a 7 Lesson, Daily Mini-Course, including the free Linux Commands ebook and Linux audio podcasts – showing you how to get started learning how to use Linux commands.

What are the basic Linux interview questions?

Linux Interview Questions

  • What are basic elements or components of Linux?
  • What is BASH?
  • What is Kernel? Explain its functions.
  • What are two types of Linux User Mode?
  • What is LILO?
  • What is swap space?
  • What do you mean by a Process States in Linux?
  • What is Linux Shell? What types of Shells are there in Linux?

How do I prepare for Linux admin interview?

The following Linux admin interview questions and example answers can help you prepare for your interview:

  1. Explain how you would assign the umask to a user permanently.
  2. What would you do to change the default run level?
  3. Describe your process for creating an ext4 file system.
  4. How would you use NFS to share a directory?

What are the basic command in Linux?

Basic Linux Commands

  • ls – List directory contents. …
  • cd /var/log – Change the current directory. …
  • grep – Find text in a file. …
  • su / sudo command – There are some commands that need elevated rights to run on a Linux system. …
  • pwd – Print Working Directory. …
  • passwd – …
  • mv – Move a file. …
  • cp – Copy a file.

What are the most common Linux commands?

Most Useful Linux Commands You Can Learn Today

  • pwd. pwd stands for Print Work directory and does exactly what you think – it shows the directory you’re currently in. …
  • ls. The ls command is probably one of the most widely used commands in the Unix world. …
  • cd. …
  • mkdir. …
  • rmdir. …
  • lsblk. …
  • mount. …
  • df.

Why is Linux better than Windows?

Linux is generally more secure than Windows. Even though attack vectors are still discovered in Linux, due to its open-source technology, anyone can review the vulnerabilities, which makes the identification and resolving process faster and easier.

How do I know my swap size?

Check swap usage size and utilization in Linux

  1. Open a terminal application.
  2. To see swap size in Linux, type the command: swapon -s .
  3. You can also refer to the /proc/swaps file to see swap areas in use on Linux.
  4. Type free -m to see both your ram and your swap space usage in Linux.

What are daemons in Linux?

daemon is a service process that runs in the background and supervises the system or provides functionality to other processes. Traditionally, daemons are implemented following a scheme originating in SysV Unix.

Why do you want to work as a Linux administrator?

Linux system administrator needs to have some technical knowledge of network security, firewalls, databases, and all aspects of a working network. The reason is that, while you‘re primarily a Linux SA, you‘re also part of a larger support team that often must work together to solve complex problems.

What are terminal commands?

Terminals, also known as command lines or consoles, allow us to accomplish and automate tasks on a computer without the use of a graphical user interface.

Is CMD a terminal?

So, cmd.exe is not a terminal emulator because it is a Windows application running on a Windows machine. There is no need to emulate anything. It is a shell, depending on your definition of what a shell is. Microsoft consider Windows Explorer to be a shell.

What is command line used for?

The command line is a text interface for your computer. It’s a program that takes in commands, which it passes on to the computer’s operating system to run. From the command line, you can navigate through files and folders on your computer, just as you would with Windows Explorer on Windows or Finder on Mac OS.

How do I cd into a directory?

Changing to another directory (cd command)

  1. To change to your home directory, type the following: cd.
  2. To change to the /usr/include directory, type the following: cd /usr/include.
  3. To go down one level of the directory tree to the sys directory, type the following: cd sys.

Which is better cmd or PowerShell?

PowerShell is a more advanced version of the cmd used to run external programs like ping or copy and automate many different system administration tasks which are not accessible from cmd.exe. It’s quite similar to cmd except it’s more powerful and uses different commands altogether.

Is bash better than CMD?

Bash is more commonly used in UNIX-like environments and CMD is solely a Windows phenomenon, so there’s a huge difference in the bread of useful command-line tools and utilities between those platforms. Outside of that, there are still many things that Bash provides that CMD does not: Searchable command history.

What is CMD EXE called?

cmd.exe allows access to the Microsoft Windows Command Prompt, also known as Microsoft DOS. To-date, cmd.exe is a 32-bit command prompt used in Windows NT, 2000, and XP and offers disk and file maintenance functions to your computer as well as network functions.

What are the basic Windows commands?

Windows Command Prompt Commands

  • Assoc.
  • Cipher.
  • Driverquery.
  • File Compare.
  • Ipconfig.
  • Netstat.
  • Ping.
  • PathPing.

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Important Linux Commands for Beginners: Linux Tutorial tech mirrors

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