1.04 – Types of Operating System – Tech Mirrors

1.04 – Types of Operating System – Tech Mirrors

This video explains different types of Operating System such as Mainframe, Server OS, Multiprocessor OS, Personal computer OS, Handhelds computer OS, Embedded OS, Sensor node OS and Real time OS with example.
Learn types of OS (Operating System) with animation and examples.

There are many operating systems those have be developed for performing the operations those are requested by the user. There are many operating systems which have the capability to perform the requests those are received from the system. The operating system can perform a single operation and also multiple operations at a time. So there are many types of operating systems those are organized by using their working techniques. So this video contains explanation about different types of operating system along with examples that are easy to understand and learn. Multiprogramming batch system, multiprocessor system, desktop system, distributed operating system, clustered system, real-time operating system, handheld system.

Operating System PPTs with animation is available here: http://www.darshan.ac.in/DIET/CE/GTU-Computer-Engineering-Study-Material

This video is recorded by Prof. Firoz Sherasiya (firoz.sherasiya@darshan.ac.in, +91-9879879861) at Computer Engineering Department of Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology, Rajkot as per GTU Syllabus.

GTU – Computer Engineering (CE) – Semester 4 – 2140702 – Operating System- Introduction to Operating System – Types of Operating System

Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology, Rajkot is a leading institute offering undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate programs in engineering. The Institute is affiliated to the Gujarat Technological University (GTU) and approved by the AICTE, New Delhi.

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