How To: Fix Bulging Eyes – Part 1 – Moving The Eyes Back tips of the day #howtofix #technology #today #viral #fix #technique

How To: Fix Bulging Eyes – Part 1 – Moving The Eyes Back  tips of the day #howtofix #technology #today #viral #fix #technique

Learn about a few methods that Dr. Raymond Douglas employs to fix bulging eyes.


People with naturally prominent eyes actually age faster in the midface region, and often seek solutions to reduce the appearance of aging.

It’s important that you find an expert willing to create a plan that is tailored to your needs. There’s no “one size fits all” solution to fixing bulging eyes.

In this video, Dr. Douglas details two primary methodologies: a tiny incision in the eye, and using fillers, and sheds light on why conventional surgery may actually do more harm than good.

For more information regarding Graves’ eye disease, please contact our office! As a leading expert in his field, Dr. Douglas offers in-office consultations or Skype consultations for our out-of-town patients.

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A very common eye condition, astigmatism occurs when someone’s cornea is irregularly shaped, not allowing the retina to properly focus on light. Many people with astigmatism believe LASIK eye surgery is not a possibility for them. This is not true. If a LASIK specialist has invested in recent technology, then having astigmatism does NOT make you a non-candidate. Patients who desire to reduce their dependence on and possibly get rid of their eyeglasses or contacts should visit a reputable LASIK specialist to determine whether or not their eyes are suitable for LASIK eye surgery. During a LASIK consultation, you should expect the following at a minimum: a scan of your cornea, checking of your peripheral vision, pupil reaction, eye dominance, tear production, your entire health history (not just your eyes) and you should meet your surgeon on this day as well.

Reading Vision Correction

As we age, our internal eye lenses gradually get harder, losing the ability to change shape automatically and focus up close. Typically noticeable by 45, presbyopia (farsightedness or loss of close-up vision) is often correctable via LASIK eye surgery or other, non-surgical methods. LASIK options such as Monovision or Presby-LASIK can reshape the cornea so light once again bends correctly, allowing proper retinal focusing. For those not suitable for LASIK eye surgery, numerous solutions treat presbyopia, including:

  • Bifocal glasses
  • Multifocal glasses
  • Monovision contacts
  • Reading glasses

Distance Vision Correction

Many people are myopic, meaning that they can’t see far away. This can happen at many stages of life, and in many cases, it is inherited. The good thing about myopia is that it is easy to fix. When someone is myopic, it means the surface of the cornea (the front of the eye) is too steep and light gets focused slightly in front of the retina. LASIK eye surgery is the process of reshaping the cornea to correct distance vision issues. Afterward, the eye can correctly bend light again, restoring clear vision. Patients deemed good LASIK candidates should look carefully at their surgeon’s experience, level of patient care and technology. If your surgeon thinks you are a good candidate, then your surgeon can also recommend all-laser blade free LASIK or all laser blade-free PRK. In cases where individuals are not suitable candidates, they can be treated with a prescription for contacts and/or glasses to correct their distance vision.

Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetic retinopathy is a common condition that diabetic patients must monitor carefully. Untreated diabetic retinopathy can lead to blindness and therefore should be closely monitored. Many times affecting both eyes, diabetic retinopathy is present in roughly 40% of Type I diabetes cases and 20% of Type II cases. Other than keeping blood sugar levels as close to homeostasis as possible, diabetics need to visit their eye care specialist regularly to keep check on their visual status. When caught in its early stages, diabetic retinopathy is much easier to manage and treat. A comprehensive eye exam can unearth diabetic retinopathy while quality diabetic eye care can maximize retinal health. Diabetic retinopathy does not automatically make you a non-candidate for LASIK. Diabetic patients should be carefully evaluated by a qualified LASIK specialist to determine if they are a candidate. Your diabetic history should be an integral part of that evaluation process and discussion about the best solution for vision correction.


Keratoconus is a condition in which the cornea becomes abnormally thin, bulges like a cone and becomes distorted. This causes significant visual distortion. In the early stages of keratoconus, patients typically can be fitted with contacts that will give them acceptable vision. However, if the keratoconus does not stabilize and continues to worsen, a corneal transplant is ultimately required. Keratoconus patients are NOT LASIK candidates. LASIK can actually accelerate keratoconus.

There is excellent and exciting news on the horizon for keratoconus patients. Corneal Cross-Linking (CXL), which has been performed in Europe since 1997, has been in clinical trials in the United States. It is possible the procedure will be approved by the FDA by mid-2014, offering hope to those suffering from keratoconus. While CXL may not cure this disease, corneal cross linking may be the key in slowing keratoconus progression and reducing the chances of needing a corneal transplant. It is expected that there will be some keratoconus patients that may be LASIK candidates after successful corneal cross linking. This is something that should be discussed with a LASIK specialist who is also performing corneal cross linking when available.

Can bulging eyes be corrected?

In some cases, only fairly mild treatment is enough to reduce bulging. In others, extensive treatment and surgery may be necessary. Severe cases can lead to permanent disfigurement that may misalign the eyes (although this can usually be at least partially fixed with surgery).

What causes your eyes to bulge?

The most common cause of bulging eyes is Graves’ disease, or more specifically, Graves’ Ophthalmopathy – an autoimmune condition where the body’s immune system produces an antibody to cells in the thyroid gland causing an overproduction of thyroid hormones.

Are bulging eyes attractive?

BENGALURU: Big bulging eyes often receive more attention as they are perceived to be more beautiful. However, bulging eyes or eyes that project out of their normal position might not be a sign of beauty but of some serious medical condition. … Bulging eyes are also referred to as exophthalmos or proptosis.

How do I stop my eye from bulging?

These include:

  1. orbital decompression surgery, where a small amount of bone is removed from 1 or both of your eye sockets.
  2. eyelid surgery to improve the position, closure or appearance of your eyelids.
  3. eye muscle surgery to bring your eyes into alignment and reduce double vision.

Can lack of sleep cause bulging eyes?

Sleep deprivation may affect your appearance in a few ways. Puffy eyes or dark circles under your eyes are only one way to notice that your eyes need more rest. This happens because the lack of sleep causes your blood vessels to expand and look more reddish-blue.

Can thyroid problems cause bulging eyes?

Causes of bulging eyes

Hyperthyroidism occurs when your thyroid releases too many of these hormones. An autoimmune disorder called Graves’ disease is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism and bulging eyes. In this condition, tissues around your eye become inflamed. This creates the bulging effect.

Which eye shape is the most attractive?

Almond EyesEye Shape #1 – Almond Eyes

Almond eyes are considered the most ideal eye shape because you can pretty much pull off any eyeshadow look.

What triggers thyroid eye disease?

Graves‘ eye disease, also known as thyroid eye disease, is an autoimmune condition in which immune cells attack the thyroid gland which responds by secreting an excess amount of thyroid hormone. As a result, the thyroid gland enlarges and excess hormones increase metabolism.

How do I know if I have protruding eyes?

Normally, there should be no visible white between the top of the iris (the colored part of the eye) and the upper eyelid. Seeing white in this area most often is a sign that the eye is bulging. Because eye changes most often develop slowly, family members may not notice it until the condition is fairly advanced.

What makes a female face attractive?

Facial symmetry has been shown to be considered attractive in women, and men have been found to prefer full lips, high forehead, broad face, small chin, small nose, short and narrow jaw, high cheekbones, clear and smooth skin, and wide-set eyes.

How do you know if your eyes are deep set?

If your upper eyelid appears short and small, the crease is visible, and you have less white visible, you are likely to have deepset eyesThe opposite is bulging eyes, which appear much larger than the eye socket.

Will my eyes go back to normal after Graves disease?

Most patients think once their medical doctor treats the body’s thyroid problem the eyes will go back to normal. This is often not the case. In some patients the eyes worsen in the months and years after medical treatment despite the body being stabilized.

Can eye bags go away?

Dark circles caused by fluid retention in your lower eyelids usually go away when you get up. Reduce allergy symptoms. Avoid allergens when possible. Try over-the-counter allergy medications.

Does sleeping early get rid of eye bags?

Infrequent and erratic sleep patterns inhibit the body from repairing itself, which can make your eyes appear puffy and swollen. Reduce the appearance of under-eye bags by getting about seven to eight hours of sleep every night.

Eye Exercises & Accupressure Therapy for Bulging Eyes or protruding eyeballs due to Hyperthyroidism tech mirrors

Watch Woman’s Bulging Eyes Fixed with Surgery tech mirrors

Bulging Eyes? it can be fixed! tech mirrors

BULGING EYES | Causes Symptoms and Treatment | Exophthalmos, Exopthalmia, Exorbitsm and Proptosis tech mirrors

Why Sudden Change of Eye Position/Prominence Should be Checked for Thyroid Eye Disease tech mirrors

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