Object-Oriented Programming Java Tutorial (Java OOP) Java programming tricks from Techmirrors

Object-Oriented Programming Java Tutorial (Java OOP) Java programming tricks from Techmirrors

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Object Oriented Programming (or OOP) is actually classified by three main principles.

1) Encapsulation
2) Inheritance
3) Polymorphism

These appear to be frightening terms but are actually fairly easy principles to grasp. In order to figure out how to program with java, you’ll need to understand these principles. So let’s consider our first main concept of OOP, encapsulation. Encapsulation just means we want to limit the access that some other pieces of code have to this particular object. So, to illustrate, if you have a Person object, and this Person object has a first and last name as attributes. In the event another chunk of code attempts to modify your Person object’s first name to be say “Frank3”, you could take note of what the first name is trying to be set to, and remove any digits so that we are simply left with “Frank”. Without encapsulation, we will not have the ability to prevent “silly programmers” from modifying the values of our variables to something which wouldn’t seem sensible, or worse, break the application. Seem sensible?

The second concept of OOP, and a essential principle if you wish to learn how to program with Java, is Inheritance. This specific concept refers to a super class (or parent class) and a sub-class (or child class) and the simple fact that a child class acquires each of the attributes of its parent. You can think of it in terms of a real world circumstance, like a real parent and child. A child will probably inherit certain traits from his or her parents, like say, eye colour or hair colour. Allow us to imagine yet another example in terms of programming, say we have super class “Vehicle” and sub-classes “Car” and “Motorcycle”. A “Vehicle” possesses tires, therefore through inheritance so would a “Car” and a “Motorcycle”, however a “Car” has doors, and a “Motorcycle” does not. So it wouldn’t be accurate to state that a “Vehicle” has doors, as that declaration would be inaccurate. So you can see how we could determine all the aspects that are similar regarding a “Car” and a “Motorcycle” and thus identify them inside of the “Vehicle” super class.

The 3rd concept of OOP is Polymorphism. This specific concept appears to be one of the most frightening, but I’m able to explain it in simple terms. Polymorphism means that an object (i.e. Animal) can take on several forms while your program is operating. Let’s imagine you have designed an Animal class and defined the method “Speak”. You then asked three of your buddies to develop kinds of animals and have them implement the “Speak” method. You won’t know what sort of animals your friends create, or how their Animals will speak, unless you actually hear those animals speak. This is very comparable to how Java addresses this issue. It’s called dynamic method binding, which simply means, Java won’t understand how the actual Animal speaks until runtime. So maybe your friends have created a Dog, Cat and Snake. Here are three varieties of Animals, and they each one speaks distinctly. Whenever Java asks the Dog to speak, it says “woof”. Anytime Java asks the Cat to speak, it says “meow”. Whenever Java requests the snake to speak, it hisses. There’s the beauty of polymorphism, all we did was to define an Animal interface with a Speak method, and we can make a bunch of kinds of animals which speak in their own specialized way.

What is Java Object Oriented Programming?

Java – What is OOP

OOP stands for ObjectOriented Programming. Procedural programming is about writing procedures or methods that perform operations on the data, while objectoriented programming is about creating objects that contain both data and methods. … OOP provides a clear structure for the programs.

What are the 4 basics of OOP?

The four principles of object-oriented programming are encapsulationabstractioninheritance, and polymorphism.

How can I learn OOPs concepts in Java?

  1. Java OOPs Concepts Naming Convention Object and Class Method Constructor static keyword this keyword.
  2. Inheritance(IS-A) Aggregation(HAS-A)
  3. Method Overloading Method Overriding Covariant Return Type super keyword Instance Initializer block final keyword Runtime Polymorphism Dynamic Binding instanceof operator.

What is object oriented programming with example?

Object Oriented programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm that relies on the concept of classes and objects. … These functions are defined within the class and perform some action helpful to that specific type of object. For example, our Car class may have a method repaint that changes the color attribute of our car.

Is Python an OOP?

However, Python isn’t an OOP language through-and-through since it does not allow strong encapsulation. This is because its creator Guido van Rossum aimed to keep things simple and that meant not hiding data in the strictest sense of the term. … Apart from this, Python supports all the basic features of OOP language.

Is Java is fully object oriented?

In short, Java is not pure objectoriented programming language because it supports primitive data types and everything is not an object in Java.

What are the four pillars of Java?

They are an abstractionencapsulationinheritance, and polymorphism. Grasping them is key to understanding how Java works. Basically, Java OOP concepts let us create working methods and variables, then re-use all or part of them without compromising security.

What is the best OOP language?

Object-Oriented Programming 2020 -Top 5 Object-Oriented Programming Languages

  • JAVAJava is much more than just a high-level programming language that is widely known for enterprise-grade application development and is the most demanded object-oriented programming language. …
  • PYTHON. …
  • GOLANG. …
  • C++ …
  • RUBY.

What are the main features of object oriented programming?

There are three major features in object-oriented programming that makes them different than non-OOP languages: encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism.

  • Encapsulation Enforces Modularity. …
  • Inheritance Passes “Knowledge” Down. …
  • Polymorphism Takes any Shape. …
  • OOP Languages.

Why is string immutable in Java?

The string is Immutable in Java because String objects are cached in the String pool. … Mutable String would produce two different hashcodes at the time of insertion and retrieval if contents of String was modified after insertion, potentially losing the value object in the map.

Why Java is called Object Oriented?

Java is purely an object oriented language due to the absence of global scope, Everything in java is an object, all the program codes and data resides within classes and objects. It comes with an extensive set of classes, arranged in packages, object model in java in sample and easy to extend.

What are advantages of object oriented programming?

Let’s see what the advantages of OOP are offers to its users.

  • Re-usability. It means reusing some facilities rather than building them again and again. …
  • Data Redundancy. …
  • Code Maintenance. …
  • Security. …
  • Design Benefits. …
  • Better productivity. …
  • Easy troubleshooting. …
  • Polymorphism Flexibility.

How do you explain Object Oriented Programming?

Objectoriented programming is based on the concept of objects. In objectoriented programming data structures, or objects are defined, each with its own properties or attributes. Each object can also contain its own procedures or methods. Software is designed by using objects that interact with one another.

1. Java OOPs Concepts | Object Oriented Programming | Java Tutorial For Beginners | Edureka

2. Object Oriented Programming in Java – Java OOPs Concepts – Object-Oriented Java

3. Java OOPs Concepts in just 60 minutes | Object Oriented Programming | Java Tutorial For Beginners

4. OOPs Object Oriented Programming Java Tutorial

5. Java Tutorial: Introduction to Object Oriented Programming