Spring Boot, MySQL, JPA, Hibernate Restful CRUD API Example | Java Techie Mysql tricks from Techmirrors.org #mysql #tricks

Spring Boot, MySQL, JPA, Hibernate Restful CRUD API Example | Java Techie Mysql tricks from Techmirrors.org #mysql #tricks

This tutorial will walk you through the steps of building a CRUD web app and RESTful APIs web services example with Spring Boot, Lombok, JPA and Hibernate …


The acronym ‘API’ stands for an extremely important part of the world of software development, despite the complete lack of recognition from the wider world.

These three letters stand for Application Programming Interface and without APIs, a whole range of integrated digital services would be unavailable – from posting pictures on social networking sites to sending email via SMS. API implementation is what lets applications, libraries and operating systems understand one another and interact, turning technology and software from complex niche devices to broadly accessible, multi-purpose consumer services.

An API works in a similar way to a user interface; providing an abstract interface for functional interaction between different componenets of different software systems. There are several different categories of API, tailored to specific or general uses. The two main categories are:

• General APIs – this is the most extensive form of API, effectively the part of a programming language that allows for functional interactivity between different programmes. Examples include the Standard Template Library in C++ or the Java API.

• Specific APIs – these are APIs designed for a specific problem or purpose. Examples include Google Maps API, which lets developers access the Google Maps data templates to build visualisations and tools such as journey planners or online pedometres, or an SMS API for text message marketing campaigns.

The most common type of API though has to be those aimed at web development. Tools for web development are often published freely (though retaining proprietary rights to the code), with the overall intent of facilitating the consturction of an open architecture for web content and data between different applications and online communities.

Web APIs are typically a defined set of HyperText Transfer Protocol request messages, coupled with a definition of the structure for response messages. Often coded in Extensible Markup Language (XML) or JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format, they allow the combination of multiple services into new online applications commonly known as ‘mash-ups’.

The ability to openly use Web APIs has allowed the creation of a variety of now commonly used web services. Perhaps the best example is the ability to embed content from one web page onto another web page through relatively simple HTML code – for example, posting a YouTube video on a web page rather than simply posting a link to YouTube. Similarly, an API lies behind the ability to upload a video on Flickr and post it on Facebook or MySpace, as well as the ability to stream live feeds from social media networks such as Twitter on other sites.

What is CRUD RESTful API?

CRUD stands for Create, Read, Update, and Delete. But put more simply, in regards to its use in RESTful APIs, CRUD is the standardized use of HTTP Action Verbs. … Keep in mind there are several different HTTP Action Verbs available, and it’s easy to want to incorporate these new verbs and make your API new and different.


Whereas REST is one of the most popular design styles for web APIs (among other applications), CRUD is simply an acronym used to refer to four basic operations that can be performed on database applications: Create, Read, Update, and Delete.

CRUD vs REST Explained.


How do I create a CRUD operation in REST API?

Create Web API for CRUD operation – Part 1

  1. Create Web API Project. In the New Project popup, select Web template under Visual C#. …
  2. Select Web API Project Template. …
  3. Change Authentication. …
  4. Web API Project. …
  5. Create Entity Data Model. …
  6. Generated Entities in the EDM Designer. …
  7. .edmx in the Project. …
  8. Create Web API Controller.

What is a REST API example?

For example, a REST API would use a GET request to retrieve a record, a POST request to create one, a PUT request to update a record, and a DELETE request to delete one. All HTTP methods can be used in API calls. A well-designed REST API is similar to a website running in a web browser with built-in HTTP functionality.

What are CRUD operations in API?

Image result

CRUD stands for “Create, Read, Update, and Delete,” which are the four basic database operations. Many HTTP services also model CRUD operations through REST or REST-like APIs. In this tutorial, you will build a very simple web API to manage a list of products.

What is another word for CRUD?

In this page you can discover 9 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for crud, like: dirt, filth, grime, muck, clean, skank, dross, beardy and gunk.

What are REST API methods?

REST API Methods

GETRetrieve information about the REST API resource
POSTCreate a REST API resource
PUTUpdate a REST API resource
DELETEDelete a REST API resource or related component

Is CRUD the same as REST?

In short, CRUD is a set primitive operations (mostly for databases and static data storages), while REST is a very high-level API style (mostly for web services and other ‘live’ systems). The first one manipulates basic data, the other interacts with a complex system.

Why is CRUD bad?

Following John Evdemon’s article, explaining why CRUDy services is an SOA anti pattern, Arnon explains the disadvantages of CRUD REST: It circumvents the whole idea about “Services” – there’s no business logic. It is exposing internal database structure or data rather than a thought-out contract.

What is a CRUD service?

In computer programming, create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) are the four basic operations of persistent storage. CRUD is also sometimes used to describe user interface conventions that facilitate viewing, searching, and changing information using computer-based forms and reports.

What is the difference between post and put in Web API?

POST means “create new” as in “Here is the input for creating a user, create it for me”. PUT means “insert, replace if already exists” as in “Here is the data for user 5”. You POST to example.com/users since you don’t know the URL of the user yet, you want the server to create it.

Can we create Web API without MVC?

When developing Web API outside MVC, you need to refer Web API assemblies to your project. The NuGet Package Manager is the easiest way to add the Web API assemblies to a non-ASP.NET project.

What is difference between REST API and RESTful API?

REST stands for representational state transfer. It is a set of constraints that set out how an API (application programming interface) should work. If an API is RESTful, that simply means that the API adheres to the REST architecture. … RESTful refers to an API adhering to those constraints.

What is the difference between REST API and HTTP API?

Conclusion. While many people continue to use the terms REST and HTTP interchangeably, the truth is that they are different things. REST refers to a set of attributes of a particular architectural style, while HTTP is a well-defined protocol that happens to exhibit many features of a RESTful system.

Spring Boot, MySQL, JPA, Hibernate Restful CRUD API Tutorial

Spring Boot RESTful CRUD API Tutorial with MySQL database

Spring Boot, H2, JPA, Hibernate Restful CRUD API Tutorial

Spring Boot | Tutorial 8: CRUD Operations (CREATE, READ, UPDATE, DELETE)

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