technical solution-7 Apt Commands Every Ubuntu Linux User Should Know Linux command tricks from Techmirrors

technical solution-7 Apt Commands Every Ubuntu Linux User Should Know Linux command tricks from Techmirrors

Here are the must-know apt commands for Ubuntu, Debian and Linux Mint users: – apt update – apt upgrade – apt install – apt search – apt remove – apt …


How do you become known as a resource? How do you position yourself as a leader among your peers?

Commanding a presence is essential to being an effective leader.

When people have a problem, they tend to seek help. When they need information or guidance or leadership or laughs, they look for someone to talk to.

Is that wrong? No. The world needs problem solvers of all kinds. Through problem solving, we add VALUE to as many people as possible.

Value = Personal Fulfillment

There is a story that I absolutely love about Henry Ford.

At the beginning of the Ford Empire many questioned the abilities of Henry Ford. In fact, they criticized the man so much that he called a press conference to debunk all of the non-believer’s convictions.

He began the conference alone and fielded all of the questions. With unequivocal ease he took question after question and contemplated them aloud to the attendees. Then he called the conference to a halt while he brought in his entire advisory board.

At that moment in time he had the people ask the same questions while he directed them to the particular expert on his team. They changed all of the non-believers’ minds. At this moment an inspiring moment in history happened.

The crowd inquired, “So, Mr. Ford, what do you do?”

Henry Ford replied saying, “I do the thinking.”

That story inspires the entrepreneur in me and has made me contemplate the idea of commanding that type of presence. The advisory board Mr. Ford put together consisted of the best in their respective fields. And, they all wanted to be a part of his team!

So, how do you inspire people to seek you out as a leader & be on your team?

It is simple. Command a presence everywhere you go.

Here are 7 tips to improve your leadership presence

1) Have CONFIDENCE. If you believe it, you can achieve it. Know who you are and what you can bring to the table. Then, bring that with an unshakable conviction!

2) Dress the part you want to play. Your image affects other’s perceptions of you. Be cool, be classy, be cute, be fun… whatever jives with the image you want to present. Remind people why they listen to you with your style and visual presence.

3) Proper preparation leads to powerful performance. Know what you’re getting into and NAIL it! If you don’t properly prepare for the task at hand, like a business meeting, presentation, or speech, then you are bound to sell yourself short. Get better every day.

4) Get published. When people read your articles, you become a thought leader on a particular subject. Consistently writing will make people seek you out as an expert. KEY: Write well and know your audience.

5) Surround yourself with successful people. You become like those you interact with consistently. If they are on the path to nowhere then guess where you’re going? If they are making it happen… you’re going to be more apt to make it happen.

6) Focus on the little things. Don’t sweat the small stuff… know what it is though. If you know this then you can manage it properly so it doesn’t detract from your image. Be positive, know table etiquette, use your manners, and say “please” and “thank you.”

7) Your words and your actions will always do two things, build people up or tear them down. Constantly focus on building people up. If you help them succeed then they will be there for you as a personal salesman or woman down the road.

This is how you can command a presence in your leadership. If you focus on making these seven things your strengths, then people will want to be a part of your team. Or, you’ll be a desired asset for a team like Henry Ford’s.

Now, go choose the leadership path you want to be on and make it happen!

How do I use an apt in Linux?

  1. Install. Using apt-get install will check the dependencies of the packages you want and install any that are needed. …
  2. Search. Use apt-cache search to find what’s available. …
  3. Update. Run apt-get update to update all your package lists, followed by apt-get upgrade to update all your installed software to the latest versions.

1. The APT Package Manager in Debian and Ubuntu

What is apt update command?

The sudo apt-get update command is used to download package information from all configured sources. … So when you run update command, it downloads the package information from the Internet. It is useful to get info on an updated version of packages or their dependencies.

2. Linux Commands for Beginners 11 – Intro to Package Management on Debian-based Distributions

What is apt install?

Advanced Package Tool, or APT, is a free-software user interface that works with core libraries to handle the installation and removal of software on Debian, Ubuntu, and related Linux distributions.

How does apt get work?

All packages required by the package(s) specified for installation will also be retrieved and installed. Those packages are stored on a repository in the network. So, aptget downloads all the needed ones into a temporary directory ( /var/cache/apt/archives/ ). They will be downloaded from a web- or a ftp-server.

How do I install things with apt?

To install any package, just open a terminal ( Ctrl + Alt + T ) and type sudo apt-get install <package name> . For instance, to get Chrome type sudo apt-get install chromium-browser . SYNAPTIC: Synaptic is a graphical package management program for apt.

3. Linux Essentials – APT

4. Aptitude Linux Command | Stop using APT and Love Linux

How do I fix sudo apt get update?

Another approach to solving the broken package issue via aptget is to edit the “/etc/apt/sources/list” file and adding sites with newer versions of packages available. Then running the “aptget update” command to update the repository list.

What is apt GET command?

aptget is a command-line tool which helps in handling packages in Linux. Its main task is to retrieve the information and packages from the authenticated sources for installation, upgrade and removal of packages along with their dependencies. Here APT stands for the Advanced Packaging Tool.

5. Linux Tutorial for Beginners – 11 – Install Software with APT apt-get