technical solution-React Bangla Tutorial 2 : environment setup unix command tricks from Techmirrors

technical solution-React Bangla Tutorial 2 : environment setup unix command tricks from Techmirrors

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Due to the similarity in the names, many people confuse Reactjs with React Native. In the year 2011, tech-giant like Facebook released this Reactjs library that showed a new way to speed up JavaScript and to make web pages responsive and dynamic. Once the team made this JavaScript library open sourced, they released a fine-tuned framework React Native. Read on to know the major differences between these two technologies.

In simpler words, when developers are working on large web applications, to create the user-interface, they use Reactjs JavaScript library. On the contrary, React Native is such a framework that consists of multiple native libraries that help to build native mobile applications. So, this is easily understandable that ReactJS helps in web development and the React Native framework helps in mobile application development.

This was a basic difference. However, read on to know the other subtle differences depending on the approach of doing the same task.

> Navigation
While talking about navigation, even though React Native and React JS take different approaches, the outcome is almost neck-to-neck. For seamless navigation, the React Native framework uses an inbuilt library part called Navigator. This Navigator works as an alternative to the react-router, which helps in navigation for the web pages built using ReactJS.

Both help to handle the transitions between different scenes in an effective way. NavigatorExperimental is one of the exceptionally advanced components that can make your work easier. However, most of the developers prefer to stick to the Navigator most of the time till date.

> Animation
React Native is so advanced that its inbuilt libraries are capable of taking care of most of the tasks on their own. Developers do not need to rely on other libraries. The Animation is one such aspect. If you are a newbie to work on this framework, initially, you may find it a bit difficult. But, once you get to learn things, you will agree to the point that the final outcome is far better than the CSS or other JavaScript libraries used by Reactjs. Even interacting with diverse user gestures becomes easier with this Native framework.

> Overheads
See, if you are using the JavaScript library, writing only a single piece of code is enough. Why? It is because the written code will run everywhere. Hence, using this library is time-efficient as developers do not have to write platform-specific codes. On the other hand, while using the React Native framework, developers need to come up with some platform-specific codes which is a bit time-consuming. However, this is only applicable if you want to reach different types of platforms.

Well, the main purpose of this article is to let others know these two are different technologies and they work in completely different domains. Hence, comparing these two is never a great idea. Both are effective in their own domains. However, both technologies are trending a lot in today’s market. If you are looking forward to work with these technologies, contact a trusted and professional web development firm that can guide you well.

How do you set up a React environment?

Installing ReactJS using webpack and babel

  1. Step 1 – Create the Root Folder. …
  2. Step 2 – install React and react dom. …
  3. Step 3 – Install webpack. …
  4. Step 4 – Install babel. …
  5. Step 5 – Create the Files. …
  6. Step 6 – Set Compiler, Server and Loaders. …
  7. Step 7 – index. …
  8. Step 8 − App.

How do you setup react on Linux?

To install react tooling we need nodejs and npm.

Installation Procedure

  1. Install nodejs – Setup PPA. To get you a more recent version of Node.js installed on ubuntu is to add a PPA (personal package archive) maintained by NodeSource. …
  2. Install. Run sudo apt-get install nodejs -y to install.
  3. Testing nodejs Installation.

Does react run on Linux?

Unlike a React application that is built from scratch, create-react-app does not require us to install packages like babel or webpack . … It enables you to get up and running quickly with a basic React application, without a lot of setup work.

How install react JS NPM?

Installing Node and npm

  1. Ctrl-click here to navigate to the Nodejs homepage in a new tab.
  2. You should see links to download Nodejs . Click on the download link of your choice. Follow the subsequent instructions to install Nodejs and npm . If you’ve already installed Nodejs , that’s okay, do it anyway.

Is react a framework?

Is React a frameworkReact is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It deals with the views and lets you choose the rest of your front-end architecture. However, a strong library ecosystem has developed around it, allowing you to build a complete framework around React by adding a few libraries to it.

What is Babel in react?

Babel is a JavaScript compiler

Babel is a toolchain that is mainly used to convert ECMAScript 2015+ code into a backwards compatible version of JavaScript in current and older browsers or environments. Here are the main things Babel can do for you: Transform syntax.

How do you check if react JS is installed?

If you have installed “react-native” globally then just open terminal/command line tool and type react-native -v you will get your answer.

How do you check react is installed?

The other method is also straightforward, you can check the React app version by heading over to node_modules/react/cjs/react. development. js. You can see the react project version in the commented section as showing given below.

How do I install react JS globally?

Install React on Windows

  1. Create a project folder.
  2. Change to the project folder.
  3. Create a package.json file.
  4. Install React and other modules you choose.

What is JSX in react?

JSX stands for JavaScript XML. JSX allows us to write HTML in ReactJSX makes it easier to write and add HTML in React.

What is NPM in react JS?

npm is an abbreviation used for the node package manager. It is a package manager for JavaScript. It is the default package manager that comes with NodeJS when you install it.

How install vs react code?

  1. Install NodeJS. Okay so the first thing you should install is the NodeJS, so if you don’t NodeJS on your machine then head over to and download and install the latest stable version. …
  2. Install Create React App Package. …
  3. Installing CodeEditor. …
  4. Install VS Code Extensions: …
  5. Enable Format On Save Option in VS Code.

Is NPM required for react?

3 Answers. The answer to the question posed in the title is no, you do not need node. js to use React on the client side.

How do you start a react?

The quickest way start learning React is to write React directly in your HTML files. Start by including three scripts, the first two let us write React code in our JavaScripts, and the third, Babel, allows us to write JSX syntax and ES6 in older browsers. You will learn more about JSX in the React JSX chapter.

How do I run react JS locally?

Copy the code from “Run a Local React App” into app/index.

The Condensed Version

  1. npm init.
  2. npm i -S {react,react-dom}
  3. npm i -D babel-{core,loader} babel-preset-react.
  4. npm i -D webpack webpack-dev-server html-webpack-plugin.

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