Using Node.js with MySQL – CRUD | XAMPP / PhpMyAdmin php tricks from Techmirrors

Using Node.js with MySQL – CRUD | XAMPP / PhpMyAdmin php tricks from Techmirrors

In this video, you are going to learn how to use MySQL using Node.js and Express. We are going to create a very basic Beer API and have a look at how we can …


Can I use MySQL with node js?

Once you have MySQL up and running on your computer, you can access it by using Nodejs. To access a MySQL database with Nodejs, you need a MySQL driver.

How do you use crud in node JS?

Building a Restful CRUD API with Node.js, Express and MongoDB

  1. Express is one of the most popular web frameworks for node. …
  2. Mongoose is an ODM (Object Document Mapping) tool for Node. …
  3. Fire up your terminal and create a new folder for the application.
  4. Initialize the application with a package.json file.
  5. Install dependencies.
  6. First, We import express and body-parser modules.


Quick & easy development

You can construct REST API with Nodejs really quickly. … For example, to construct REST API such known modules as express, restify and hapi fit perfectly. They provide easy way to declare API, handle incoming parameters, errors, transformation to JSON, streaming and sending response.

How show data from database in node JS?

How to display Data from MySQL database table in Node.js

  1. Install Express Application.
  2. Connect Node.js App to MySQL Database.
  3. Create a Route to Fetch Data.
  4. Load Route into the root file.
  5. Create HTML Table to Display data.
  6. Run Node.js Code to display data in the HTML Table.

Is MongoDB better than MySQL?

MongoDB vs MySQL: Performance & Speed

MongoDB: One single main benefit it has over MySQL is its ability to handle large unstructured data. It is magically faster. People are experiencing real world MongoDB performance mainly because it allows users to query in a different manner that is more sensitive to workload.

Is node js better than PHP?

Quick Summary :- PHP and Nodejs are highly recommended backend technologies for the web. While PHP has been long considered ideal for server-side scripting, Nodejs perfectly meets the development needs of modern web applications.

Is node js better than Python?

Node. … Node is better for web applications and website development whereas Python is best suitable for back-end applications, numerical computations and machine learning. Nodejs utilize javascript interpreter whereas Python uses PyPy as an interpreter.

Is node JS frontend or backend?

Node. js is a runtime environment that allows software developers to launch both the frontend and backend of web apps using JavaScript. Although JS underpins all the processes for app assembly, as a backend development environment, Node.

Why is Nodejs bad?

Multi-Thread: One of the most common complaints by people who do not understand node JS is that it is single-threaded and if you have a core CPU it will only run on one core. Node. js is non-blocking which means that all functions are delegated to the event loop and they are executed by different threads.

How do I write a REST API in node JS?

Getting started

  1. Create a Folder name todoListApi – mkdir todoListApi.
  2. Navigate to the root of your newly created folder – cd todoListApi.
  3. Create a package.json file – npm init. …
  4. Create a file called server. …
  5. Create a folder called api – mkdir api.

What is REST API in Nodejs?

REST stands for REpresentational State Transfer. REST is web standards based architecture and uses HTTP Protocol. It revolves around resource where every component is a resource and a resource is accessed by a common interface using HTTP standard methods. REST was first introduced by Roy Fielding in 2000.

What does crud mean?

create, read, update and delete

CRUD is an acronym that comes from the world of computer programming and refers to the four functions that are considered necessary to implement a persistent storage application: create, read, update and delete.

Which is better node js or Django?

Nodejs is superior in building robust, scalable apps and capabilities to handle thousands of requests, while Django, too, is excellent to handle thousands of requests and high-traffic apps. Both platforms are suitable for building scalable apps.

Is node js worth learning 2020?

NodeJS is the hottest technology across the world, especially in Silicon Valley. It is the perfect skill to open up amazing career opportunities for any software developer.

Is node js a virus?

Discovered by Xavier Mertens, Nodejs is a ransomware-type malicious software. This malware encrypts the data of infected devices and demands payment for decryption. … js encrypts, files are appended with the “.

What is node js used for?

Nodejs is primarily used for non-blocking, event-driven servers, due to its single-threaded nature. It’s used for traditional web sites and back-end API services, but was designed with real-time, push-based architectures in mind.

How do I store a query result in variable in node JS?

var someVar = connection. query(“select * from ROOMS”, function(err, rows){ if(err) { throw err; } else { return rows; } }); console. log(someVar);

How do I write a node js query?

Node.js MySQL Select From

  1. Select all records from the “customers” table, and display the result object: var mysql = require(‘mysql’); …
  2. Select name and address from the “customers” table, and display the return object: var mysql = require(‘mysql’); …
  3. Select all records from the “customers” table, and display the fields object:

Why is MongoDB bad?

MongoDB, unfortunately, does not support transactions. So if you need to update more than one document or collection per user request, don’t use MongoDB. It may lead to corrupted data, as there is no ACID guarantee. Rollbacks have to be handled by your application.

What are the disadvantages of MongoDB?

There are a few disadvantages of the MongoDB NoSQL database as well.

  • MongoDB uses high memory for data storage.
  • There is a limit for document size, i.e. 16mb.
  • There is no transaction support in MongoDB.

Can MongoDB replace MySQL?

MySQL, MS SQL Oracle and Server are nearly synonymous with RDBMS, but MongoDB is a cross-platform document-oriented and NoSQL database. At times, it can be a wise decision to replace MySQL with MongoDB. It is a nimble database that allows fast changes of cognitive framework when apps evolve.

Is PHP a dying language?

In November 2017, W3Techs had PHP as the server-side language for 80.1% of websites. That number dropped to 79.6% in June 2018, and now it’s down to 78.9% when we’re publishing this post in November 2018. … But when the number is still over 75%, it’s tough to use that decline to pronounce PHP as dead.

Will node JS replace PHP?

Nope PHP cannot be fully replaced. Yes node js is better but in some cases PHP is still very helpful and better choice like making single forms and small projects. Since PHP supports Facebook and after PHP 7 it has a good future. We cant decided which one is faster better and easier.

Is PHP easier than node?

PHP language is supported by many hosting services as compared to Node. js which comes with less number of hosting services. This makes the deployment and integration of PHP easier than Node, which calls for a virtual server having SSH access for running applications.

Is node js a good choice?

Since it’s a lightweight technology tool, using Nodejs for microservices architecture is a great choice. … With each microservice communicating with the database directly through streams, such architecture allows for better performance and speed of application.

Will Deno replace node JS?

Well, no. Nodejs is definitely too big to be taken over by Deno anytime soon. Deno is very tempting to start using right away, but let’s take a look at some drawbacks

Is node js used in front end?

Now that we have a better understanding whether frontend applications can be used with Nodejs, we can answer with a huge YES. Yes, Nodejs can be used in both the frontend and backend of applications.

Which language is best for front end?

JavaScript is considered more flexible than HTML and the former is considered the most creative programming language by developers. Key takeaway → HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are at the heart of Front End development. The three languages are relatively easy to learn and offer plenty of flexibility and creativity.1

Which is best front end or backend?

Back endfront end, and full stack web development are three separate career paths that can sometimes feel muddied in the technology space. Put plainly, back end developers are focused on data, modeling, and the back end of a website. Front end developers help build what users interact with and see.

Is node JS declining already?

Nodejs is not declining already. … This ends up slowing Nodejs expansion down.

Is node js the future?

js have big development communities. Additionally, both of them are easy to learn and ensure high software performance and scalability. But Nodejs is an excellent choice if you want to build a web app with strong client-server processing.

Is express a REST API?

Express is a perfect choice for a server when it comes to creating and exposing APIs (e.g. REST API) to communicate as a client with your server application. Previously you have already implemented one Express route, which sends a “Hello World!”, that you have accessed via the browser and cURL.

How do I call a node JS API?

const request = require(‘request‘); request(‘’, { json: true }, (err, res, body) => { if (err) { return console. log(err); } console. log(body. url); console.

How does REST API work?


  1. An API is an application programming interface. …
  2. REST determines how the API looks like. …
  3. Each URL is called a request while the data sent back to you is called a response.
  4. The endpoint (or route) is the url you request for. …
  5. The root-endpoint is the starting point of the API you’re requesting from.

What is REST API services?

REST API (also known as RESTful API) is an application programming interface (API or web API) that conforms to the constraints of REST architectural style and allows for interaction with RESTful web services. … An API is a set of definitions and protocols for building and integrating application software.


2. How to use mysql database with node js or express | CURD Operation using mysql and express

3. CRUD Operation using NodeJS ExpressJS MySQL – Part 1 – Learn Infinity

4. NodeJS + MySQL Database Connection Tutorial

5. Node JS Tutorial – Nodejs + Mysql CRUD

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